all postcodes in RG25 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG25 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG25 2NX 9 0 51.217371 -1.014247
RG25 2NY 7 0 51.21734 -1.014792
RG25 2NZ 1 0 51.213072 -1.019521
RG25 2PA 5 0 51.217939 -1.016554
RG25 2PB 1 0 51.223005 -1.023392
RG25 2PD 7 1 51.20558 -1.039921
RG25 2PE 7 1 51.203138 -1.037052
RG25 2PF 3 0 51.202138 -1.039048
RG25 2PG 5 1 51.20133 -1.039165
RG25 2PH 18 7 51.208624 -1.053758
RG25 2PJ 1 1 51.211344 -1.046559
RG25 2PL 21 14 51.211096 -1.049126
RG25 2PN 19 6 51.197979 -1.040907
RG25 2PP 2 0 51.189575 -1.043557
RG25 2PQ 5 0 51.2062 -1.047751
RG25 2PR 3 0 51.193115 -1.018013
RG25 2PS 2 0 51.197146 -1.025983
RG25 2PT 4 0 51.19629 -1.036451
RG25 2PU 5 0 51.197834 -1.037248
RG25 2PW 1 0 51.19166 -1.04977