all postcodes in RG9 / HENLEY-ON-THAMES

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG9 6DP 6 0 51.588302 -1.003196
RG9 6DR 20 0 51.591318 -1.000402
RG9 6DS 6 0 51.593656 -1.002559
RG9 6DT 2 0 51.59347 -1.001489
RG9 6DU 1 0 51.590192 -0.981415
RG9 6DX 7 0 51.595856 -1.004359
RG9 6DY 4 0 51.597097 -1.024277
RG9 6DZ 3 0 51.597777 -1.029727
RG9 6EA 8 1 51.605068 -1.014525
RG9 6EB 2 0 51.610323 -1.024225
RG9 6ED 3 0 51.614718 -1.033092
RG9 6EE 10 0 51.607469 -0.998545
RG9 6EG 1 0 51.609244 -0.997986
RG9 6EJ 2 0 51.605383 -0.998195
RG9 6EL 2 0 51.605371 -0.997791
RG9 6EN 11 0 51.605714 -0.996274
RG9 6EP 2 0 51.607181 -0.993924
RG9 6EQ 1 0 51.606889 -0.995548
RG9 6ER 16 0 51.601537 -0.978014
RG9 6ES 11 1 51.603094 -0.979206