all postcodes in RG9 / HENLEY-ON-THAMES

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG9 6ET 2 0 51.601151 -0.977012
RG9 6EU 19 1 51.600133 -0.978458
RG9 6EW 1 0 51.60572 -0.991696
RG9 6EX 11 1 51.590859 -0.961104
RG9 6EY 1 0 51.599444 -0.968936
RG9 6EZ 13 0 51.591235 -0.958815
RG9 6GN 10 0 51.567632 -0.870361
RG9 6HA 10 0 51.594353 -0.959581
RG9 6HB 23 0 51.590753 -0.939194
RG9 6HD 3 0 51.592649 -0.939577
RG9 6HE 25 1 51.592267 -0.937484
RG9 6HF 4 0 51.596145 -0.927879
RG9 6HG 4 1 51.598067 -0.938547
RG9 6HH 12 1 51.606399 -0.964403
RG9 6HJ 12 0 51.606408 -0.971565
RG9 6HL 2 0 51.597508 -0.989937
RG9 6HN 2 0 51.592604 -0.957652
RG9 6HP 1 0 51.602669 -0.971693
RG9 6HQ 2 0 51.598376 -0.939545
RG9 6HR 5 1 51.604521 -0.964064