all postcodes in RG9 / HENLEY-ON-THAMES

find any address or company within the RG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG9 1DL 8 0 51.531175 -0.900212
RG9 1DN 24 2 51.530633 -0.899966
RG9 1DP 18 0 51.530664 -0.899403
RG9 1DR 3 1 51.530356 -0.898843
RG9 1DS 11 11 51.532179 -0.897925
RG9 1DY 18 1 51.529813 -0.899712
RG9 1EA 28 1 51.529603 -0.898477
RG9 1EB 38 0 51.529379 -0.899492
RG9 1ED 50 0 51.528488 -0.900378
RG9 1EE 24 0 51.530215 -0.900452
RG9 1EF 5 0 51.530426 -0.90085
RG9 1EG 18 0 51.528456 -0.900811
RG9 1EH 25 0 51.528561 -0.899483
RG9 1EJ 12 2 51.528966 -0.896412
RG9 1EL 21 1 51.528717 -0.896692
RG9 1EP 38 0 51.526743 -0.900276
RG9 1EQ 1 1 51.527208 -0.898102
RG9 1ES 24 0 51.528295 -0.896995
RG9 1ET 27 0 51.528394 -0.898939
RG9 1EU 20 0 51.52815 -0.898815