all postcodes in RH14 / BILLINGSHURST

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH14 9GH 0 51.015912 -0.44747
RH14 9GJ 0 51.016072 -0.447393
RH14 9GZ 0 50.995092 -0.474417
RH14 9HA 0 51.012649 -0.455479
RH14 9HB 0 51.012639 -0.456064
RH14 9HD 0 51.006698 -0.44916
RH14 9HE 2 51.007817 -0.446685
RH14 9HF 0 51.002232 -0.446672
RH14 9HG 0 51.009685 -0.450572
RH14 9HH 1 51.001887 -0.439729
RH14 9HJ 0 51.021106 -0.460502
RH14 9HN 0 51.028292 -0.446275
RH14 9HP 1 51.031914 -0.445039
RH14 9HQ 0 50.999833 -0.446852
RH14 9HR 2 51.03828 -0.450431
RH14 9HT 0 51.031806 -0.470998
RH14 9HU 13 0 51.030577 -0.457519
RH14 9HW 8 1 51.020541 -0.453404
RH14 9HX 26 0 51.021691 -0.460167
RH14 9HY 30 0 51.022155 -0.459866