all postcodes in RH14 / BILLINGSHURST

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH14 9LA 43 0 51.024479 -0.452674
RH14 9LB 23 0 51.023821 -0.454281
RH14 9LD 8 0 51.023252 -0.45511
RH14 9LE 18 0 51.022429 -0.455451
RH14 9LF 14 0 51.022145 -0.454348
RH14 9LG 13 0 51.021171 -0.453842
RH14 9LH 12 0 51.021352 -0.455587
RH14 9LJ 7 0 51.021489 -0.456783
RH14 9LL 48 0 51.020316 -0.458829
RH14 9LN 26 0 51.01954 -0.458655
RH14 9LP 11 0 51.020645 -0.459677
RH14 9LQ 9 0 51.020863 -0.454662
RH14 9LR 1 1 51.021667 -0.458328
RH14 9LS 9 0 51.020431 -0.4659
RH14 9LT 15 0 51.018247 -0.455792
RH14 9LU 13 0 51.018498 -0.457392
RH14 9LW 62 62 51.022158 -0.456361
RH14 9LX 1 0 51.0226 -0.457499
RH14 9NB 35 0 51.023864 -0.45653
RH14 9NE 17 0 51.024937 -0.454683