all postcodes in RH16 / HAYWARDS HEATH

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH16 1AA 1 1 51.006415 -0.103822
RH16 1BA 1 1 51.001083 -0.108315
RH16 1BB 17 1 51.00295 -0.107555
RH16 1BD 1 1 51.002554 -0.106944
RH16 1BG 9 0 51.003195 -0.106576
RH16 1BH 29 0 51.001958 -0.107382
RH16 1BJ 7 7 51.001405 -0.107675
RH16 1BL 12 6 51.002514 -0.106947
RH16 1BN 2 1 51.001473 -0.108172
RH16 1BP 65 8 51.0035 -0.106506
RH16 1BQ 37 0 51.003721 -0.106825
RH16 1BX 8 0 51.006575 -0.10038
RH16 1BY 1 1 51.004008 -0.106215
RH16 1DB 7 6 51.004895 -0.106251
RH16 1DF 15 0 51.005787 -0.100612
RH16 1DG 1 1 51.006417 -0.106715
RH16 1DJ 4 4 51.005716 -0.104735
RH16 1DN 8 6 51.005356 -0.102311
RH16 1DP 8 0 51.005762 -0.103137
RH16 1AE 1 1 51.006114 -0.102993