all postcodes in RH18 / FOREST ROW

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH18 5AA 19 7 51.097155 0.033757
RH18 5AD 10 0 51.091291 0.033242
RH18 5AF 18 0 51.097485 0.032857
RH18 5AH 13 0 51.096585 0.031875
RH18 5AJ 25 0 51.095723 0.034721
RH18 5AN 17 0 51.0945 0.033667
RH18 5AP 18 0 51.092186 0.03351
RH18 5AQ 1 1 51.097035 0.032866
RH18 5AR 3 0 51.091677 0.032245
RH18 5AS 4 0 51.091873 0.03184
RH18 5AT 30 10 51.089706 0.032359
RH18 5AX 12 0 51.090623 0.032899
RH18 5AY 16 0 51.090925 0.034155
RH18 5AZ 37 0 51.090542 0.035322
RH18 5BA 9 0 51.090131 0.035833
RH18 5BD 3 1 51.091197 0.037622
RH18 5BE 7 0 51.089829 0.03612
RH18 5BG 15 0 51.088631 0.034524
RH18 5BH 22 0 51.092493 0.029825
RH18 5BJ 2 0 51.100474 0.037143