all postcodes in RH18 / FOREST ROW

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH18 5BN 18 0 51.093386 0.038461
RH18 5BP 17 0 51.091622 0.036811
RH18 5BQ 15 0 51.089789 0.034819
RH18 5BS 19 0 51.093432 0.039906
RH18 5BT 19 0 51.090846 0.037621
RH18 5BU 22 1 51.093645 0.040586
RH18 5BW 16 0 51.093616 0.0392
RH18 5BX 45 0 51.09287 0.043794
RH18 5BY 27 1 51.095265 0.041899
RH18 5BZ 21 1 51.095085 0.045206
RH18 5DA 8 0 51.094762 0.044134
RH18 5DB 40 0 51.094478 0.049006
RH18 5DD 45 0 51.092762 0.048416
RH18 5DE 23 0 51.091168 0.047887
RH18 5DF 54 0 51.092731 0.046601
RH18 5DG 18 0 51.094327 0.046713
RH18 5DJ 3 0 51.094423 0.038105
RH18 5DL 14 0 51.094085 0.03445
RH18 5DN 19 10 51.097508 0.034485
RH18 5DP 6 0 51.098965 0.040349