all postcodes in RH4 / BETCHWORTH

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH4 1TP 1 1 51.243219 -0.321574
RH4 1TZ 1 1 51.24133 -0.324666
RH4 1UA 6 0 51.233991 -0.335361
RH4 1UB 8 0 51.233695 -0.3354
RH4 1UE 8 0 51.233692 -0.335142
RH4 1UG 10 0 51.233886 -0.334892
RH4 1UN 1 1 51.233229 -0.330446
RH4 1UP 4 4 51.232161 -0.336286
RH4 1UR 1 1 51.232679 -0.329736
RH4 1UT 26 11 51.233054 -0.331532
RH4 1UU 10 0 51.232625 -0.331132
RH4 1UW 2 2 51.232684 -0.330858
RH4 1UX 1 1 51.233452 -0.331613
RH4 1UY 1 1 51.233094 -0.331669
RH4 1XF 1 1 51.234994 -0.342
RH4 1YA 1 1 51.233927 -0.32833
RH4 1DA 0 51.232858 -0.335358
RH4 1QG 8 0 51.235624 -0.320576
RH4 1SY 89 1 51.234752 -0.323114
RH4 1QQ 0 51.233507 -0.330379