all postcodes in RH9 / GODSTONE

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH9 8AA 27 0 51.251097 -0.065272
RH9 8AB 26 0 51.250799 -0.065169
RH9 8AD 15 0 51.25182 -0.064926
RH9 8AE 12 0 51.25209 -0.066591
RH9 8AF 5 0 51.251464 -0.066761
RH9 8AG 11 1 51.251793 -0.067193
RH9 8AH 9 0 51.252848 -0.067262
RH9 8AJ 11 1 51.253409 -0.066937
RH9 8AL 6 0 51.254817 -0.066692
RH9 8AN 40 0 51.254844 -0.068869
RH9 8AP 10 1 51.25436 -0.066281
RH9 8AQ 5 0 51.252452 -0.067235
RH9 8AS 40 1 51.254049 -0.065936
RH9 8AT 51 0 51.254916 -0.063463
RH9 8AU 26 0 51.255896 -0.065629
RH9 8AW 37 0 51.253861 -0.068194
RH9 8AX 34 0 51.256292 -0.06342
RH9 8AY 26 0 51.255992 -0.063805
RH9 8AZ 52 0 51.253538 -0.062246
RH9 8BA 40 0 51.253699 -0.063285