all postcodes in RM10 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM10 7BB 26 0 51.556566 0.168542
RM10 7BD 22 0 51.55584 0.169359
RM10 7BE 12 0 51.555522 0.168579
RM10 7BG 23 0 51.551677 0.157159
RM10 7BH 26 0 51.555031 0.169349
RM10 7BJ 9 0 51.554759 0.168514
RM10 7BL 26 0 51.554197 0.169209
RM10 7BN 1 1 51.560878 0.155589
RM10 7BP 8 0 51.55377 0.168496
RM10 7BQ 20 0 51.551433 0.156239
RM10 7BS 55 0 51.555032 0.16394
RM10 7BT 64 0 51.554193 0.165054
RM10 7BU 15 0 51.55313 0.164195
RM10 7BW 1 1 51.561283 0.155565
RM10 7BX 11 0 51.553757 0.163836
RM10 7BY 1 1 51.561283 0.155565
RM10 7BZ 1 1 51.542237 0.165799
RM10 7DA 50 0 51.553956 0.161811
RM10 7DB 26 0 51.554906 0.160991
RM10 7DD 44 0 51.554738 0.16231