all postcodes in RM10 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM10 7DF 1 1 51.560662 0.151208
RM10 7DG 1 1 51.560364 0.15128
RM10 7DH 50 0 51.555558 0.161728
RM10 7DJ 45 0 51.553367 0.162057
RM10 7DL 50 0 51.55302 0.162344
RM10 7DR 1 1 51.561283 0.155565
RM10 7DS 1 1 51.561003 0.149781
RM10 7DU 12 0 51.551997 0.156381
RM10 7DX 25 1 51.552583 0.160203
RM10 7DY 1 1 51.561283 0.155565
RM10 7EA 10 0 51.552292 0.160881
RM10 7EB 10 0 51.553474 0.160634
RM10 7ED 37 0 51.553706 0.159275
RM10 7EH 54 0 51.555592 0.159393
RM10 7EJ 16 0 51.555293 0.160014
RM10 7EL 6 0 51.555527 0.159015
RM10 7ER 1 1 51.555702 0.160293
RM10 7ES 1 1 51.559507 0.15678
RM10 7EU 28 0 51.556989 0.158767
RM10 7EX 14 0 51.55706 0.157804