all postcodes in RM20 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM20 3HT 9 0 51.476873 0.279351
RM20 3HX 54 3 51.475788 0.277785
RM20 3JA 25 0 51.475327 0.27841
RM20 3JB 25 0 51.476779 0.278151
RM20 3JD 4 0 51.47689 0.276601
RM20 3JE 30 0 51.477446 0.285011
RM20 3JF 45 0 51.477673 0.286304
RM20 3JG 40 0 51.476913 0.285128
RM20 3JH 13 0 51.47657 0.276888
RM20 3JJ 28 0 51.477441 0.276974
RM20 3JL 16 0 51.477977 0.278095
RM20 3JP 16 0 51.477905 0.276666
RM20 3JQ 1 1 51.47695 0.267517
RM20 3JR 48 0 51.47727 0.275597
RM20 3JS 2 0 51.476346 0.276905
RM20 3JT 47 8 51.475983 0.275677
RM20 3LG 16 15 51.475418 0.268118
RM20 3LH 24 23 51.475416 0.273849
RM20 3LL 1 1 51.477343 0.273224
RM20 3LU 1 1 51.479113 0.265867