all postcodes in RM20 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM20 3LW 1 1 51.479772 0.271776
RM20 3NL 16 14 51.477355 0.264742
RM20 3NR 18 11 51.475407 0.271948
RM20 3WD 1 1 51.483271 0.272684
RM20 3WE 5 5 51.483813 0.27768
RM20 3WJ 6 6 51.482375 0.284104
RM20 3WY 1 1 51.482983 0.281917
RM20 3XD 55 52 51.480233 0.278625
RM20 3ZD 5 3 51.478777 0.267895
RM20 3ZE 1 1 51.478101 0.273061
RM20 3ZP 1 1 51.478378 0.268524
RM20 3AG 5 51.470324 0.290111
RM20 3AT 3 3 51.476011 0.26819
RM20 3AL 16 11 51.473247 0.274807
RM20 3EH 6 51.480521 0.278611
RM20 3AD 1 1 51.479772 0.271776
RM20 3LD 6 6 51.476053 0.274356
RM20 3AE 1 51.475098 0.281855
RM20 3AA 1 51.473124 0.280215
RM20 3HB 0 51.476554 0.279105