all postcodes in RM3 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM3 0HE 3 0 51.603343 0.249447
RM3 0HG 8 0 51.597811 0.239643
RM3 0HH 55 0 51.602139 0.250481
RM3 0HJ 69 1 51.59517 0.237286
RM3 0HX 2 2 51.596767 0.240281
RM3 0JA 1 1 51.596889 0.240825
RM3 0JD 40 0 51.592052 0.232397
RM3 0JF 23 22 51.596891 0.240851
RM3 0JH 13 9 51.598287 0.243562
RM3 0JR 1 1 51.599295 0.247153
RM3 0JS 0 51.598602 0.243913
RM3 0JT 0 51.599094 0.244627
RM3 0JU 17 51.599594 0.246269
RM3 0JX 1 51.600094 0.247712
RM3 0LA 0 51.597293 0.250303
RM3 0LD 0 51.588817 0.22742
RM3 0LH 1 51.587281 0.224628
RM3 0LJ 0 51.58723 0.225881
RM3 0LL 1 51.593717 0.218575
RM3 0LR 0 51.589015 0.23131