all postcodes in RM3 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM3 0EN 1 1 51.593935 0.233645
RM3 0EP 14 0 51.594756 0.228285
RM3 0HU 39 37 51.596293 0.240171
RM3 0ER 42 0 51.597249 0.22997
RM3 0ES 37 0 51.596149 0.230259
RM3 0ET 6 0 51.596843 0.230051
RM3 0EU 6 0 51.596647 0.229114
RM3 0EX 16 8 51.591899 0.214848
RM3 0EZ 1 1 51.591337 0.216383
RM3 0FB 12 0 51.591455 0.23257
RM3 0GD 32 0 51.591479 0.223609
RM3 0GE 6 0 51.591208 0.224635
RM3 0GF 18 0 51.590886 0.224547
RM3 0GN 11 0 51.597216 0.234055
RM3 0GQ 12 0 51.591396 0.223876
RM3 0GS 6 0 51.591178 0.224302
RM3 0GT 6 0 51.59102 0.224135
RM3 0GX 1 1 51.595806 0.221767
RM3 0HB 8 0 51.588979 0.229305
RM3 0HD 57 0 51.602979 0.24983