all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 7BE 12 2 51.581322 0.165793
RM7 7BG 7 0 51.579727 0.168764
RM7 7BH 20 3 51.580426 0.166602
RM7 7BJ 8 0 51.580762 0.166892
RM7 7BL 3 0 51.577791 0.16746
RM7 7BS 32 0 51.579656 0.166406
RM7 7BT 28 0 51.578848 0.16732
RM7 7BU 24 0 51.579059 0.167605
RM7 7BX 11 0 51.578557 0.168938
RM7 7DA 37 1 51.577861 0.170465
RM7 7DB 24 0 51.578163 0.170319
RM7 7DD 25 0 51.577869 0.172585
RM7 7DJ 15 0 51.580752 0.176216
RM7 7DL 9 0 51.580555 0.176668
RM7 7DN 1 1 51.580725 0.177025
RM7 7DP 42 0 51.579719 0.176657
RM7 7DR 34 0 51.58025 0.175025
RM7 7DS 21 0 51.579222 0.175291
RM7 7DT 96 47 51.579525 0.173359
RM7 7DX 30 1 51.580504 0.174082