all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 7EB 51 1 51.581403 0.172482
RM7 7ED 12 0 51.580672 0.172748
RM7 7EE 33 0 51.581505 0.174738
RM7 7EH 18 0 51.579827 0.172594
RM7 7EJ 44 0 51.580906 0.171792
RM7 7EL 10 0 51.580939 0.174363
RM7 7EN 50 0 51.5819 0.170526
RM7 7EP 43 0 51.581539 0.173525
RM7 7ER 50 0 51.58269 0.172584
RM7 7ES 12 0 51.580799 0.174964
RM7 7ET 49 0 51.582626 0.172148
RM7 7EW 37 0 51.582117 0.171303
RM7 7HB 11 2 51.578565 0.176142
RM7 7HR 5 2 51.57857 0.175044
RM7 7HH 4 4 51.578153 0.175716
RM7 7HL 49 10 51.578352 0.173705
RM7 7HT 17 4 51.579118 0.17074
RM7 7HU 8 0 51.57945 0.169283
RM7 7HX 19 0 51.578749 0.170722
RM7 7JA 21 1 51.579513 0.168162