all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 7JS 59 0 51.582958 0.170215
RM7 7JT 15 0 51.581737 0.168642
RM7 7JU 21 0 51.581141 0.167805
RM7 7JX 18 0 51.580865 0.168643
RM7 7LA 25 0 51.580578 0.169553
RM7 7LB 37 0 51.581502 0.170189
RM7 7LD 25 0 51.580674 0.171189
RM7 7LH 41 0 51.580165 0.170039
RM7 7LJ 42 0 51.57991 0.171672
RM7 7LL 7 0 51.578635 0.171411
RM7 7LS 1 1 51.586524 0.165578
RM7 7NS 1 1 51.582586 0.165407
RM7 7PJ 11 10 51.583078 0.17285
RM7 7PN 7 7 51.586401 0.166915
RM7 7PS 1 1 51.585448 0.168171
RM7 7RN 40 0 51.578334 0.166892
RM7 7WY 1 1 51.570143 0.170731
RM7 7LN 37 0 51.576743 0.17402
RM7 7LP 34 0 51.577139 0.173996
RM7 7LG 29 0 51.577433 0.173692