all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 7BF 0 51.578082 0.167777
RM7 7AA 0 51.577846 0.174217
RM7 7EX 4 51.583017 0.167548
RM7 8AA 5 1 51.581875 0.164464
RM7 8AD 34 1 51.582344 0.162593
RM7 8AH 8 0 51.584077 0.154262
RM7 8AJ 41 3 51.582664 0.162262
RM7 8AL 56 0 51.58322 0.157958
RM7 8AP 77 0 51.582938 0.157656
RM7 8AS 9 0 51.583666 0.154255
RM7 8AT 20 0 51.584101 0.155532
RM7 8AU 38 0 51.585303 0.155704
RM7 8AX 45 0 51.584546 0.157747
RM7 8BB 41 0 51.584202 0.158366
RM7 8BD 43 0 51.583369 0.160464
RM7 8BE 48 0 51.583999 0.161589
RM7 8BH 47 0 51.584973 0.161306
RM7 8BL 28 0 51.581962 0.160829
RM7 8BN 12 0 51.582323 0.158334
RM7 8BP 50 0 51.582547 0.157264