all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 5DJ 0 51.547001 0.141909
RM9 5DL 0 51.54693 0.139901
RM9 5DP 0 51.547381 0.138811
RM9 5DQ 0 51.549704 0.145094
RM9 5DR 0 51.547532 0.1399
RM9 5DS 0 51.546982 0.143451
RM9 5DT 0 51.545875 0.143024
RM9 5DU 0 51.545657 0.14362
RM9 5DX 1 51.546893 0.144875
RM9 5EA 0 51.546676 0.145932
RM9 5EB 0 51.546718 0.144088
RM9 5ED 0 51.546294 0.145164
RM9 5EH 0 51.545348 0.144788
RM9 5EJ 0 51.544665 0.145708
RM9 5EL 0 51.546049 0.145773
RM9 5EP 0 51.54502 0.145479
RM9 5ER 0 51.544933 0.146312
RM9 5ES 0 51.544921 0.146975
RM9 5ET 0 51.546171 0.146471
RM9 5HH 0 51.551512 0.140621