all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 5AX 0 51.550323 0.146118
RM9 5AY 0 51.55401 0.146737
RM9 5AZ 1 51.552537 0.147016
RM9 5BA 2 51.549435 0.146019
RM9 5BB 0 51.548378 0.146272
RM9 5BD 0 51.548771 0.144935
RM9 5BE 0 51.549044 0.145279
RM9 5BG 1 51.540814 0.147791
RM9 5BH 0 51.549291 0.141584
RM9 5BJ 0 51.548036 0.14089
RM9 5BL 0 51.548072 0.141873
RM9 5BP 0 51.5495 0.140007
RM9 5BT 1 51.542519 0.147539
RM9 5BU 0 51.541474 0.139746
RM9 5BX 0 51.552144 0.141963
RM9 5DA 0 51.543977 0.146988
RM9 5DB 0 51.547759 0.142738
RM9 5DD 0 51.546222 0.141714
RM9 5DG 0 51.547354 0.143743
RM9 5DH 0 51.546205 0.142189