all postcodes in RM9 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM9 4BU 0 51.53351 0.117254
RM9 4BW 0 51.533065 0.116973
RM9 4BX 0 51.533335 0.116467
RM9 4BZ 0 51.542609 0.11782
RM9 4BY 0 51.533953 0.116177
RM9 5AA 0 51.553078 0.143002
RM9 5AB 0 51.553423 0.143798
RM9 5AE 0 51.547097 0.147481
RM9 5AF 1 51.543955 0.147665
RM9 5AG 0 51.545054 0.147686
RM9 5AH 0 51.550119 0.143022
RM9 5AL 0 51.552946 0.143862
RM9 5AN 3 51.540742 0.147802
RM9 5AP 0 51.549009 0.143229
RM9 5AQ 17 51.542401 0.147577
RM9 5AR 1 51.547901 0.144431
RM9 5AS 1 51.547021 0.146742
RM9 5AT 0 51.54936 0.143736
RM9 5AU 1 51.550276 0.144284
RM9 5AW 7 51.541211 0.147723