all postcodes in RM / Romford

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District

RM / Romford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 2DP 9 0 51.573796 0.186606
RM1 2DQ 26 0 51.573225 0.187649
RM1 2DS 37 0 51.573683 0.188304
RM1 2DT 46 1 51.574064 0.188483
RM1 2DX 48 1 51.57267 0.187692
RM1 2DY 60 0 51.571991 0.186334
RM1 2DZ 36 0 51.571348 0.186592
RM1 2EA 10 0 51.575818 0.18907
RM1 2EB 50 1 51.572752 0.18943
RM1 2ED 10 0 51.575658 0.1885
RM1 2EE 10 0 51.575531 0.18809
RM1 2EG 11 0 51.575974 0.1883
RM1 2EH 18 1 51.572303 0.190318
RM1 2EL 14 7 51.572022 0.190954
RM1 2EP 19 8 51.571821 0.189802
RM1 2EU 16 0 51.571934 0.1889
RM1 2EX 30 1 51.571127 0.187808
RM1 2GP 6 0 51.574037 0.18561
RM1 2HA 7 0 51.571351 0.187357
RM1 2HD 7 2 51.571947 0.187845