all postcodes in RM / Romford

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District

RM / Romford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 2HJ 8 0 51.572584 0.186476
RM1 2HN 1 0 51.570143 0.170731
RM1 2HS 3 3 51.574442 0.184299
RM1 2HU 11 6 51.574491 0.184533
RM1 2JA 9 7 51.574113 0.184543
RM1 2JB 12 0 51.574575 0.186155
RM1 2JD 6 0 51.574034 0.184944
RM1 2JH 34 14 51.574396 0.185798
RM1 2JR 1 1 51.574577 0.186182
RM1 2JS 16 0 51.574183 0.185472
RM1 2JT 21 11 51.574806 0.185358
RM1 2LA 10 5 51.574856 0.187134
RM1 2LH 8 4 51.575181 0.186615
RM1 2LT 3 2 51.575489 0.187914
RM1 2LX 49 14 51.576245 0.190289
RM1 2NL 1 1 51.576277 0.190536
RM1 2NP 33 2 51.576508 0.192596
RM1 2NQ 73 0 51.57713 0.193321
RM1 2NT 7 0 51.57716 0.194763
RM1 2NU 30 0 51.576744 0.19343