all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 3GT 7 7 53.327857 -1.337343
S20 3GU 4 1 53.32739 -1.347274
S20 3GW 11 7 53.327074 -1.338826
S20 3GX 1 1 53.328089 -1.332324
S20 3GY 5 0 53.327203 -1.342608
S20 3GZ 8 8 53.326454 -1.340637
S20 3PJ 14 11 53.328441 -1.334135
S20 3AB 3 3 53.32942 -1.33397
S20 3RW 15 14 53.3328 -1.330674
S20 3PP 1 53.332993 -1.336512
S20 3FJ 11 53.333806 -1.340344
S20 3GL 15 13 53.332415 -1.332692
S20 3AD 1 53.327668 -1.329223
S20 4GA 14 0 53.322007 -1.349263
S20 4GB 28 0 53.325823 -1.348529
S20 4GF 7 0 53.321739 -1.347721
S20 4GG 4 0 53.325919 -1.349639
S20 4GJ 20 0 53.325605 -1.349643
S20 4GN 16 0 53.3252 -1.347953
S20 4GQ 20 0 53.322941 -1.347402