all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 2UA 27 0 53.343206 -1.331863
S20 2UB 14 0 53.343378 -1.330628
S20 3AA 1 1 53.332486 -1.338893
S20 3FE 4 4 53.332875 -1.339487
S20 3FF 12 10 53.333212 -1.337035
S20 3FG 7 7 53.334303 -1.33927
S20 3FH 1 1 53.331907 -1.339968
S20 3FR 29 24 53.334334 -1.33502
S20 3FS 11 10 53.332969 -1.333585
S20 3FU 9 0 53.331275 -1.336179
S20 3GA 1 1 53.326342 -1.339828
S20 3GB 1 1 53.328319 -1.336494
S20 3GD 1 1 53.328747 -1.340767
S20 3GE 1 1 53.334558 -1.339956
S20 3GH 40 34 53.331398 -1.337362
S20 3GN 41 0 53.326197 -1.344335
S20 3GP 17 0 53.326638 -1.344613
S20 3GQ 17 0 53.327004 -1.344007
S20 3GR 21 0 53.327846 -1.340405
S20 3GS 57 34 53.327712 -1.34212