all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 4TA 22 4 53.324277 -1.353327
S20 4TB 17 0 53.323975 -1.353993
S20 4TD 34 1 53.324461 -1.353985
S20 4TE 16 0 53.325315 -1.354077
S20 4TF 10 0 53.326544 -1.353788
S20 4TG 40 0 53.325878 -1.353648
S20 4TH 49 0 53.325118 -1.35441
S20 4TJ 79 0 53.325815 -1.351878
S20 4TL 54 0 53.325501 -1.350336
S20 4TN 73 0 53.325928 -1.35117
S20 4TP 28 0 53.319624 -1.355514
S20 4TQ 25 0 53.320169 -1.354876
S20 4TR 47 0 53.321188 -1.355536
S20 4TS 28 0 53.320943 -1.353393
S20 4TT 32 0 53.322322 -1.354332
S20 4TU 26 0 53.32268 -1.355603
S20 4TW 32 0 53.322233 -1.35609
S20 4TX 13 0 53.322127 -1.356437
S20 4TY 14 0 53.322528 -1.357467
S20 4UA 30 0 53.320418 -1.351283