all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 4UB 23 0 53.321043 -1.351995
S20 4UD 40 0 53.319888 -1.352853
S20 4XA 9 0 53.319033 -1.342853
S20 4XB 24 0 53.319211 -1.345928
S20 4XD 42 0 53.319237 -1.343991
S20 4XE 48 0 53.318787 -1.343893
S20 4RW 0 53.320464 -1.339784
S20 4SJ 0 53.320128 -1.34096
S20 5AA 29 1 53.325814 -1.361801
S20 5AB 10 0 53.324416 -1.360982
S20 5AD 34 4 53.32636 -1.361268
S20 5AE 34 12 53.325287 -1.36223
S20 5AF 46 6 53.324396 -1.361913
S20 5AG 34 1 53.328163 -1.367097
S20 5AH 1 1 53.325748 -1.362704
S20 5AJ 48 1 53.327881 -1.365059
S20 5AL 9 0 53.32685 -1.36533
S20 5AN 13 0 53.327787 -1.367403
S20 5AP 16 0 53.328416 -1.369255
S20 5AQ 57 0 53.329434 -1.364556