all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 1FR 36 0 53.345863 -1.345941
S20 1FS 21 0 53.345361 -1.346054
S20 1FT 41 0 53.344621 -1.347206
S20 1FU 11 0 53.343525 -1.345721
S20 1FY 7 0 53.343984 -1.344257
S20 1FW 19 2 53.343254 -1.34532
S20 1FX 21 0 53.343186 -1.347679
S20 1FZ 31 2 53.344716 -1.344847
S20 1GA 16 0 53.345871 -1.334314
S20 1GB 12 0 53.344548 -1.3421
S20 1GD 7 0 53.343355 -1.342674
S20 1GE 7 0 53.343244 -1.343758
S20 1GF 5 0 53.343625 -1.334619
S20 1GG 5 0 53.343834 -1.335037
S20 1GP 24 0 53.344263 -1.334325
S20 1GQ 64 0 53.34307 -1.334779
S20 1GW 31 0 53.347113 -1.346087
S20 1GX 41 0 53.341612 -1.344323
S20 1GY 43 0 53.34097 -1.343628
S20 1HA 14 3 53.34602 -1.335063