all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 1HB 5 0 53.343638 -1.335235
S20 1HD 12 0 53.342244 -1.338156
S20 1HE 85 83 53.344121 -1.3364
S20 1HQ 5 3 53.337895 -1.340221
S20 1NY 61 0 53.346423 -1.351355
S20 1NZ 2 2 53.345078 -1.350264
S20 1WA 36 0 53.347576 -1.346921
S20 1XA 35 0 53.347186 -1.347918
S20 1XB 16 0 53.347768 -1.349111
S20 1XD 52 0 53.348708 -1.348376
S20 1XE 62 0 53.348125 -1.350337
S20 1XJ 5 0 53.346334 -1.349854
S20 1XL 8 0 53.346301 -1.348698
S20 1DE 26 0 53.351815 -1.347712
S20 1DH 0 53.342705 -1.337083
S20 1DJ 10 10 53.356098 -1.332112
S20 1BF 2 1 53.349319 -1.341667
S20 1DL 0 53.345158 -1.34843
S20 2DG 74 0 53.33971 -1.335281
S20 2DH 18 0 53.339398 -1.339056