all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 2DJ 8 0 53.339086 -1.337919
S20 2DL 26 0 53.339958 -1.336044
S20 2DP 23 0 53.339793 -1.337173
S20 2DS 11 0 53.340467 -1.337102
S20 2DT 35 0 53.34105 -1.337108
S20 2DU 38 0 53.340061 -1.333669
S20 2DW 85 0 53.341512 -1.334472
S20 2DY 14 0 53.340506 -1.336275
S20 2DZ 15 0 53.34117 -1.337392
S20 2GL 30 0 53.340843 -1.333537
S20 2GN 27 0 53.341845 -1.336179
S20 2GR 29 0 53.342169 -1.336219
S20 2GS 56 0 53.339462 -1.344041
S20 2GT 26 0 53.341319 -1.333575
S20 2GU 13 0 53.3407 -1.335476
S20 2GY 23 0 53.342139 -1.334072
S20 2NS 35 0 53.335979 -1.330368
S20 2NT 32 0 53.335822 -1.32953
S20 2PA 11 0 53.335431 -1.335168
S20 2PB 25 0 53.335923 -1.331616