all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 2QD 37 0 53.337686 -1.33653
S20 2QE 32 0 53.337853 -1.337578
S20 2QF 7 0 53.339029 -1.335637
S20 2QG 10 0 53.338961 -1.336449
S20 2QH 17 0 53.33886 -1.337637
S20 2QJ 9 0 53.338398 -1.3338
S20 2QL 16 0 53.33842 -1.33452
S20 2QN 12 0 53.339187 -1.333307
S20 2QP 12 0 53.33654 -1.33907
S20 2QQ 32 0 53.335611 -1.338379
S20 2QR 72 0 53.336624 -1.336276
S20 2QS 1 0 53.335814 -1.339441
S20 2QT 34 0 53.335776 -1.337505
S20 2QU 19 0 53.335429 -1.339748
S20 2QW 11 0 53.336265 -1.336581
S20 2QX 11 0 53.336492 -1.335227
S20 2QY 16 0 53.336369 -1.335754
S20 2QZ 49 0 53.335877 -1.334425
S20 2RR 12 0 53.342747 -1.331824
S20 2RS 21 0 53.341802 -1.330022