all postcodes in S25 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S25 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S25 2NU 0 53.368059 -1.202917
S25 2NW 2 53.368729 -1.206301
S25 2NX 2 53.364165 -1.213359
S25 2NY 0 53.364054 -1.21294
S25 2NZ 1 53.373706 -1.20445
S25 2PA 0 53.371306 -1.199114
S25 2PB 1 53.36725 -1.186881
S25 2PD 0 53.367694 -1.21155
S25 2PE 0 53.37248 -1.209373
S25 2PF 1 53.370558 -1.211016
S25 2PG 0 53.366438 -1.199671
S25 2PH 0 53.366149 -1.199511
S25 2PJ 0 53.371061 -1.20017
S25 2PL 3 53.366588 -1.21151
S25 2PN 40 53.369071 -1.210143
S25 2PP 11 53.372376 -1.208623
S25 2PS 43 53.369322 -1.210378
S25 2PQ 1 53.366717 -1.211959
S25 2PT 5 53.373066 -1.209452
S25 2PU 0 53.366705 -1.208788