all postcodes in S25 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S25 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S25 2PW 0 53.372594 -1.210272
S25 2PX 1 53.369144 -1.199725
S25 2PY 0 53.36799 -1.209742
S25 2PZ 1 53.368269 -1.208819
S25 2QA 0 53.371331 -1.19743
S25 2QB 0 53.367449 -1.207136
S25 2QD 7 53.368007 -1.207171
S25 2QE 13 53.369357 -1.203374
S25 2QF 1 53.370134 -1.199932
S25 2QG 3 53.370452 -1.200167
S25 2QH 0 53.367063 -1.214027
S25 2QJ 0 53.375846 -1.209987
S25 2QL 0 53.376228 -1.210746
S25 2QN 0 53.365602 -1.203774
S25 2QP 0 53.365309 -1.215171
S25 2QQ 0 53.365609 -1.214294
S25 2QR 0 53.365157 -1.197741
S25 2QS 5 53.378764 -1.205198
S25 2QT 1 53.365935 -1.210591
S25 2QU 0 53.363852 -1.210645