all postcodes in S25 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S25 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S25 2QW 0 53.365485 -1.210524
S25 2QX 0 53.378706 -1.210234
S25 2QY 0 53.369523 -1.220444
S25 2QZ 3 53.362732 -1.211461
S25 2RA 0 53.369339 -1.197948
S25 2RB 0 53.372092 -1.210462
S25 2RD 1 53.372718 -1.211457
S25 2RF 0 53.375453 -1.209077
S25 2RL 1 53.366283 -1.212854
S25 2RN 0 53.371556 -1.202957
S25 2RP 0 53.36724 -1.200047
S25 2RR 0 53.362487 -1.195026
S25 2RS 0 53.368444 -1.201211
S25 2RT 0 53.368713 -1.201221
S25 2RU 0 53.371486 -1.209992
S25 2RW 0 53.364945 -1.199534
S25 2RX 1 53.3653 -1.204321
S25 2RY 1 53.36361 -1.19735
S25 2RZ 0 53.363988 -1.196336
S25 2SA 0 53.365053 -1.205032