all postcodes in S32 / HOPE VALLEY

find any address or company within the S32 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S32 3ZB 12 0 53.278684 -1.632335
S32 3ZJ 11 1 53.285423 -1.631347
S32 3ZD 6 0 53.273068 -1.641935
S32 3ZE 2 0 53.285705 -1.632919
S32 3ZF 3 0 53.283701 -1.635577
S32 3ZL 7 0 53.284126 -1.633338
S32 3ZH 3 0 53.284806 -1.635252
S32 3ZN 10 0 53.282363 -1.636173
S32 3ZP 4 0 53.270245 -1.641689
S32 3AD 0 53.267223 -1.635237
S32 3AB 0 53.266936 -1.64155
S32 4TA 11 0 53.273115 -1.651472
S32 4TB 3 0 53.273068 -1.650782
S32 4TD 17 1 53.275841 -1.655797
S32 4TF 47 6 53.2767 -1.660874
S32 4TG 24 0 53.274809 -1.656197
S32 4TH 4 1 53.274006 -1.694787
S32 4TJ 5 0 53.276411 -1.656724
S32 4TL 46 4 53.275358 -1.6597
S32 4TN 10 2 53.275568 -1.654765