all postcodes in S32 / HOPE VALLEY

find any address or company within the S32 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S32 4TQ 24 0 53.272809 -1.64852
S32 4TS 12 0 53.276962 -1.657604
S32 4TT 3 1 53.275741 -1.655258
S32 4TU 16 0 53.275901 -1.654717
S32 4TX 11 0 53.272423 -1.651507
S32 4TY 5 0 53.275003 -1.657845
S32 4TZ 5 0 53.27614 -1.653142
S32 4UA 12 0 53.273133 -1.648592
S32 4UB 8 0 53.273459 -1.671323
S32 4TE 0 53.275955 -1.657522
S32 4AA 0 53.275554 -1.655831
S32 4WW 1 0 53.273476 -1.671321
S32 5AA 2 2 53.28561 -1.677304
S32 5PJ 4 0 53.284876 -1.66882
S32 5PZ 3 0 53.289508 -1.715002
S32 5QA 14 0 53.286961 -1.713684
S32 5QB 11 0 53.280629 -1.712152
S32 5QR 45 1 53.287477 -1.715001
S32 5QD 7 2 53.298847 -1.700865
S32 5QE 6 0 53.284562 -1.668748