all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 2EF 56 0 53.464315 -1.481298
S35 2EG 38 0 53.464475 -1.480708
S35 2EN 29 0 53.466 -1.476096
S35 2EP 9 0 53.466005 -1.475101
S35 2EQ 9 0 53.465821 -1.476038
S35 2ER 30 0 53.465347 -1.474582
S35 2ES 9 0 53.465613 -1.473721
S35 2ET 15 0 53.466505 -1.474237
S35 2EU 44 1 53.465612 -1.475739
S35 2EW 16 0 53.466904 -1.47509
S35 2EX 22 0 53.466613 -1.476435
S35 2PF 1 1 53.467308 -1.466831
S35 2PG 6 5 53.472243 -1.473036
S35 2PH 70 64 53.472911 -1.475694
S35 2PU 36 0 53.463337 -1.48988
S35 2PW 5 4 53.477554 -1.470545
S35 2PX 1 1 53.470821 -1.474605
S35 2PY 18 17 53.474089 -1.473781
S35 2PZ 1 1 53.475091 -1.478846
S35 2QJ 35 0 53.462986 -1.485802