all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 2UD 17 1 53.463533 -1.475087
S35 2UE 28 0 53.464795 -1.473685
S35 2UF 38 0 53.463274 -1.487757
S35 2UG 42 0 53.463308 -1.487305
S35 2UH 32 2 53.466545 -1.473076
S35 2UJ 10 1 53.466868 -1.472937
S35 2UL 1 1 53.467342 -1.474573
S35 2UN 1 1 53.462293 -1.466969
S35 2UP 6 6 53.462075 -1.466595
S35 2UQ 16 7 53.462485 -1.467795
S35 2UR 41 1 53.463956 -1.469041
S35 2US 13 3 53.464248 -1.470092
S35 2UT 23 1 53.465153 -1.469433
S35 2UU 10 8 53.461623 -1.466013
S35 2UW 3 3 53.462035 -1.465556
S35 2UX 2 53.462304 -1.467496
S35 2UZ 0 53.467645 -1.473831
S35 2WA 0 53.463541 -1.472827
S35 2WB 0 53.463782 -1.488851
S35 2WD 0 53.465383 -1.472699