all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 0BG 1 53.481478 -1.593652
S36 0BJ 1 53.481494 -1.593653
S36 1AA 1 53.481478 -1.593652
S36 1AB 0 53.479498 -1.603857
S36 1AD 1 53.480088 -1.602902
S36 1AE 0 53.480915 -1.602909
S36 1AF 0 53.475914 -1.593675
S36 1AG 0 53.476658 -1.601413
S36 1AH 1 53.479885 -1.590881
S36 1AJ 0 53.484237 -1.599474
S36 1AL 0 53.482095 -1.598287
S36 1AN 0 53.479892 -1.603145
S36 1AR 0 53.473768 -1.600175
S36 1AS 2 53.473774 -1.599271
S36 1AT 0 53.475073 -1.600539
S36 1AU 0 53.486217 -1.621728
S36 1AW 2 53.472961 -1.595392
S36 1AX 0 53.481541 -1.599529
S36 1AY 0 53.48599 -1.618657
S36 1AZ 0 53.48127 -1.60455