all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 1BE 0 53.47775 -1.592182
S36 1BF 0 53.474407 -1.592122
S36 1BG 0 53.475998 -1.591896
S36 1BH 0 53.475639 -1.592669
S36 1BL 0 53.484525 -1.610261
S36 1BN 0 53.482 -1.596993
S36 1BP 0 53.482082 -1.597445
S36 1BR 4 53.481969 -1.593287
S36 1BS 3 53.481001 -1.596581
S36 1BT 0 53.480912 -1.596913
S36 1BW 0 53.47591 -1.59562
S36 1BX 6 53.482334 -1.594911
S36 1BY 0 53.47677 -1.594617
S36 1BZ 0 53.477039 -1.59469
S36 1DA 0 53.477583 -1.601149
S36 1DB 0 53.481348 -1.598371
S36 1DD 0 53.475673 -1.600082
S36 1DE 0 53.476273 -1.601914
S36 1DF 0 53.478968 -1.598725
S36 1DG 2 53.478293 -1.598097