all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 8YP 16 1 53.511387 -1.603152
S36 8YQ 20 1 53.514106 -1.593702
S36 8YR 32 2 53.500424 -1.601385
S36 8YS 4 0 53.530215 -1.591526
S36 8YT 16 0 53.513799 -1.598561
S36 8YU 20 0 53.519093 -1.603985
S36 8YW 60 6 53.518289 -1.600042
S36 8YX 6 0 53.513331 -1.598414
S36 8YY 6 0 53.513181 -1.593997
S36 8YZ 5 0 53.514018 -1.597005
S36 8ZS 51 0 53.520261 -1.606539
S36 8ZU 3 0 53.517992 -1.602563
S36 8ZW 13 0 53.517582 -1.600983
S36 8ZX 11 0 53.517756 -1.602098
S36 8ZY 12 0 53.51832 -1.601127
S36 8ZZ 56 0 53.516832 -1.599769
S36 8WR 4 0 53.500435 -1.601807
S36 8ZR 7 0 53.5151 -1.595412
S36 8ZP 3 53.520552 -1.610397
S36 8AB 2 0 53.532989 -1.620587