all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 2QQ 0 53.480442 -1.582919
S36 2QR 0 53.479283 -1.575608
S36 2QS 0 53.479705 -1.583017
S36 2QT 0 53.476365 -1.581256
S36 2QU 0 53.476395 -1.584888
S36 2QW 3 53.478065 -1.584465
S36 2QX 4 53.477874 -1.568465
S36 2SF 0 53.477782 -1.570047
S36 2QY 2 53.478592 -1.573022
S36 2QZ 0 53.479702 -1.576612
S36 2RA 4 53.480193 -1.57834
S36 2RB 0 53.480969 -1.581647
S36 2RD 3 53.478154 -1.568611
S36 2RE 4 53.479024 -1.573395
S36 2RF 3 53.4798 -1.57634
S36 2RG 0 53.480399 -1.578187
S36 2RH 5 53.481358 -1.582457
S36 2RJ 1 53.476333 -1.564607
S36 2RL 0 53.479829 -1.58211
S36 2RN 1 53.47849 -1.566951