all postcodes in S41 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S41 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S41 9LG 1 53.272329 -1.41775
S41 9LH 0 53.274431 -1.413898
S41 9LL 0 53.274118 -1.414187
S41 9LN 0 53.273054 -1.411742
S41 9LP 0 53.26977 -1.416328
S41 9LQ 1 53.271986 -1.422988
S41 9LR 0 53.269948 -1.414242
S41 9LS 0 53.272216 -1.414735
S41 9LT 0 53.272383 -1.414043
S41 9LU 0 53.272885 -1.413736
S41 9LW 0 53.271761 -1.412
S41 9LX 0 53.27306 -1.412729
S41 9LY 0 53.272918 -1.413121
S41 9LZ 0 53.271705 -1.418776
S41 9NA 0 53.270936 -1.423317
S41 9NB 0 53.269071 -1.41703
S41 9ND 0 53.267982 -1.425936
S41 9NE 0 53.267871 -1.425276
S41 9NF 0 53.267084 -1.424209
S41 9NG 0 53.266972 -1.425364