all postcodes in S41 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S41 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S41 9PL 0 53.269695 -1.41957
S41 9PN 0 53.269517 -1.421687
S41 9PP 0 53.269962 -1.422805
S41 9PQ 0 53.271443 -1.420386
S41 9PR 0 53.269763 -1.422373
S41 9PS 0 53.270428 -1.42055
S41 9PT 0 53.270843 -1.420934
S41 9PU 0 53.269746 -1.424458
S41 9PW 0 53.269432 -1.422753
S41 9PZ 11 53.271939 -1.456966
S41 9QB 24 53.275437 -1.461196
S41 9QD 14 53.266448 -1.443588
S41 9QG 9 53.274748 -1.452132
S41 9QJ 15 53.27363 -1.453241
S41 9QN 2 53.271072 -1.427272
S41 9QP 0 53.273845 -1.428286
S41 9QR 1 53.273984 -1.429109
S41 9QS 0 53.276402 -1.432735
S41 9QT 0 53.275406 -1.42951
S41 9QU 1 53.266531 -1.414066