all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 1FD 3 0 53.261841 -1.387655
S43 1GZ 0 53.254044 -1.406275
S43 1FA 9 0 53.259806 -1.3941
S43 1FE 14 0 53.264458 -1.389413
S43 2AA 42 5 53.274313 -1.404404
S43 2AB 45 6 53.274203 -1.404034
S43 2AD 43 0 53.272611 -1.403816
S43 2AE 17 0 53.271333 -1.403624
S43 2AF 37 6 53.271497 -1.403966
S43 2AG 26 0 53.272984 -1.40468
S43 2AH 8 1 53.274249 -1.407779
S43 2AJ 6 4 53.274597 -1.407204
S43 2AL 37 6 53.274912 -1.40564
S43 2AN 12 4 53.275408 -1.404227
S43 2AP 25 1 53.276399 -1.400944
S43 2AQ 59 1 53.273861 -1.405733
S43 2AR 1 0 53.278405 -1.392517
S43 2AS 30 0 53.275459 -1.401812
S43 2AT 9 0 53.276067 -1.404772
S43 2AU 9 0 53.276239 -1.40495