all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 2AW 10 0 53.275914 -1.40284
S43 2AX 12 0 53.275826 -1.405091
S43 2AY 21 0 53.277313 -1.400406
S43 2AZ 1 1 53.274556 -1.406458
S43 2BA 2 1 53.275235 -1.405456
S43 2BD 5 0 53.274531 -1.403159
S43 2BE 11 0 53.278207 -1.40123
S43 2BG 36 1 53.27506 -1.402837
S43 2BH 17 0 53.273449 -1.400655
S43 2BJ 40 0 53.272944 -1.402192
S43 2BL 26 0 53.272182 -1.402577
S43 2BN 36 0 53.271507 -1.402452
S43 2BP 6 4 53.27103 -1.402291
S43 2BQ 49 1 53.27406 -1.402521
S43 2BS 16 0 53.272348 -1.401447
S43 2BU 20 0 53.271737 -1.401639
S43 2BX 13 0 53.271474 -1.401162
S43 2BY 9 0 53.27105 -1.400854
S43 2BZ 16 2 53.271047 -1.400284
S43 2DA 4 0 53.271516 -1.400514