all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 2JB 15 0 53.260982 -1.379448
S43 2JD 26 0 53.261407 -1.380285
S43 2JE 24 0 53.260708 -1.380321
S43 2JF 16 0 53.264102 -1.379931
S43 2JG 34 1 53.261794 -1.378372
S43 2JH 16 0 53.261241 -1.37745
S43 2JJ 35 0 53.261877 -1.37716
S43 2JL 37 0 53.263609 -1.378046
S43 2JN 21 0 53.26208 -1.376513
S43 2JP 9 2 53.264709 -1.377389
S43 2JQ 14 0 53.262602 -1.378015
S43 2JR 4 0 53.264679 -1.378424
S43 2JS 9 0 53.261159 -1.379239
S43 2JW 25 0 53.263802 -1.377477
S43 2JZ 9 0 53.264701 -1.381032
S43 2LA 24 0 53.264071 -1.380876
S43 2LB 29 0 53.262715 -1.381121
S43 2LD 12 0 53.262701 -1.381766
S43 2LE 20 0 53.261907 -1.383006
S43 2LF 2 1 53.261451 -1.383294